When you enable client optimization in such an environment, it increases the possibility of resource contention. 在这种环境中启用客户端优化时,会增大资源争用发生的可能性。
Based technology optimization of SSP made by electronic grade silicon powder, this paper also discussed the practical possibility of industrialization. 本文在工艺优化的基础上同时讨论了颗粒硅带制备工艺的产业化可行性。
The present essay, in light of the education optimization theory and based on the teaching practice and test results of this experimental intensive course, explores the possibility and feasibility of intensive teaching in College English course. 本文以现代教学论的最优化原理为主要理论依据,以该强化试点的实施过程和国家统考结果为实践证明,探讨了大学英语强化教学的可能性和可行性。
In the proposed algorithm, the descending search theory of optimization principles is applied, so the iterative effect, only relying on quantum gate, of QEA is improved to speed up the convergent speed, and the possibility of individual retrogression in the evolution process is reduced. 该算法将下降搜索理论应用到量子进化算法中,改进了量子进化算法仅靠量子门进行迭代的作用,从而加快了收敛速度,并降低了个体在进化时产生退化的可能性。
The author used the mix intelligent optimization algorithms of Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing to compute the nonlinear programming of the maximum possibility estimation theory. 并针对非线性规划常用的解算方法的不足,采用遗传算法和模拟退火算法结合的混合智能算法对极大可能性估计的模型进行解算,并评定观测数据质量。
Partial optimization was adopted for the nods of optimization, only those triangles, which may have the possibility of not satisfying the matching precision, were being optimized; 优化方式采用局部优化,只对那些有可能不满足拟合精度的三角形进行优化;
Taking advantage of the quick optimization of relative difference algorithm with discrete variables and ergodicity of chaos, the possibility of being trapped in a local optimum can be reduced significantly and topology optimization in the whole design space can be realized. 利用相对差商法可以对离散变量快速寻优的特点,及混沌变量的全局遍历性,可以有效地跳出局部最优解,达到拓扑优化全局寻优的目的。
A shortcut online calculation method is provided for the process of the parameter optimization of linear motors. From the comparison of thrust model of SVM and finite analysis, the possibility of the regression modeling method for the support vector machines of linear oscillation motor is verified. 通过SVM模型和有限元模型输出推力的比较,验证了直线振荡电机支持向量机非参数建模的可行性。
The thesis combines the optimization theories and engineerings to practice, verifies the possibility of theories that CDMA wireless location system optimizing. 本文将无线定位优化理论与工程实践相结合,验证了本方案在CDMA无线定位系统优化应用中的可行性。
The formulation of the dynamic topological optimization and the possibility of localized modes in low density areas are discussed. While the oscillation of the objective function during the eigenvalue optimization process and the effect of the non-structural mass to optimized structures by the topology optimization are investigated particularly. 对动力拓扑优化模型的建立、低密度区域可能存在的局部模态、特征值优化目标函数的振荡问题以及非结构质量对拓扑优化设计的影响等问题进行了讨论和研究。